Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

The Smurfit Westrock Foundation is deeply committed to supporting the local communities in countries where Smurfit Westrock operates. View a snapshot of the projects we have undertaken below, all of which align with one of our focus UN SDGs, "Gender Equality".

We would like to acknowledge that whilst these projects are aligned to our focus UN SDG of Gender Equality, many also contribute to other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Gender equality 

Stichting Beschermde Wieg (Protected Crib Room) – Netherlands
Stichting Beschermde Wieg is a life-saving initiative that creates a safe shelter for new-borns who would otherwise be abandoned. The Foundation donated €30,000 towards the build of a new room which provides a safe future for about 12 babies annually, as well as helping hundreds of vulnerable pregnant women find their way to prenatal care.
newborn baby
Studying Mothers – Netherlands
 A €50,000 donation was given to Studying Mothers Charity in the Netherlands. With this donation, childcare costs for children up to the age of 7 are covered for mothers trying to create a better life for themselves and their children by going back to college to get an education.

Interested in applying for funding?

We're actively looking for projects to fund that align to one of our focus UN SDGs of Gender Equality. If you think that your project complies with our conditions and is in line with the primary focus of the Smurfit Westrock Foundation, which is to financially support sustainable projects that positively impact the lives of underprivileged people in the communities where Smurfit Westrock operate, then simply apply via the link below.

Apply for funding

Learn more about the Smurfit Westrock Foundation